How does Witchcraft?
Witchcraft and Spells
If we want to understand how the witch, we have to dip into more knowledge about this ancient spiritual practice.
When we speak of magic or witchcraft, more concretely in antiquity (Egyptian civilizations, Greek and Roman), these processes are of esoteric knowledge for which they were drinking more mystical ancestors, who still persist in current practices magic.
Since the most ancient knowledge was lost over time, we find these ancient, (Greco-Roman civilizations and Egyptian), sources of knowledge quite enlightening.
Before too, is curious to verify that the magical practices of classical antiquity, the whole was operated through witchcraft curses.
In Greco-Roman times and Egyptians, there were several types of curses for various purposes.
There were five types of purposes in witchcraft curses of antiquity:
1-dispute-made to win disputes, whether in courts, in their personal or social, or political
2-competition - used to win competitions or art
3-officio - undertaken to win the business, professional and financial resources in the subject, etc..
4-erotica - used to unite or divide people, whether sentimentally is sexually
5-righteousness - made to get revenge
As we conclude, as now the targets of witchcraft remain unchanged.
The curses that witchcraft was producing in those days, were conducted with the five purposes described above and in the background, and how we will understand later, all witchcraft, was (and still is and always will be), made using the curses that are materialized using necromancy.
However, here is the curse that was spoken in ancient Classical actually amounted to a form of witchcraft and not exactly the concept of a curse as it is now commonly understood.
Today when we speak of 'curse', we understand immediately that this is a kind of curse intended to kill or eliminate someone.
However, the evils produced by witchcraft, had no intention of killing itself (at least, not always ...), but before they could and were directed to cause a certain effect on the life of the person concerned.
Were temporary and could curse, condemning someone for purposes such as:
- Have a sex drive crazy about a certain person, or condemning anyone to lose a case in court, or condemning anyone to lose a big business in detriment of others or condemning someone to lose a sporting event the detriment of the second person, or condemning someone to marry a certain person, etc..
The curses were curses inscribed on plates (plates that were malleable as papyrus, but made of lead, or even in papairo then treated for this particular purpose), as in voodoo dolls of the type.
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The Voodoo Dolls
Indeed, voodoo-like dolls are much older than commonly is believed.
These dolls curses, which were pierced with pins and listed both prayers and requests of witchcraft performed, in ancient Egypt.
Examples of them can be found in the Louvre, where there used dolls are displayed for that magic back to II-III AD and even earlier periods of Egyptian antiquity.
Voodoo dolls, are known today as they were called 'kolossói' between the Greek magicians.
The curses were performed through the doll, twisting of the most violent members of that, as horrible mutilations. This is not to maim the victim, nor cause the physical destruction of the target by witchcraft, but to confuse their desires, their wishes and efforts, so that if he could obtain a certain end. For example:
- If you want a woman or man, it is intended to cause him such a level of disarray, that person will fall into the arms of someone without knowing how, just how fragile it is, If you want to earn a business a competitive The aim is to make it so confused and helpless, he loses control of the situation and be defeated, etc. ....
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Signs of Doom and the origin of the term 'Tie'
In Greece and Rome, but was more frequent run through witchcraft curses of plates, lead sheets that were prepared to carry out acts of magic and spiritual.
The work of magic could also be executed on papyrus prepared for this purpose.
It is curious that all kind of curse inscribed on plates or dolls, was called a 'tie'.
The term "binding" comes from the Greek 'Katadesmos', 'Katadesmoi', 'Katadein'.
The term derives from a verb found on the cards themselves a curse and that means 'hold', 'tie', 'restrict'.
The term is used by Plato in his book "Republic", and refers to both the physical form of plates with cursing (which are 'wrapped' as that 'tied' on themselves when the spell is written on them entered and completed ) as the function of the same boards, which is 'restrict' the life of someone.
In Latin, the word comes from 'defixio' which also means tying and which also can be found on the plates of Roman curse.
Therefore, the work that currently call "tying" is not actually a work exclusively with loving or erotic purposes, as it stands today is commonly understood.
In fact, all the work of witchcraft was done by a curse, and all that work was in turn called a 'tie'.
He explains:
- The mooring was intended to 'tie' the subject of the witchcraft to a certain end, to a certain destination.
So it was said that one person had been bewitched 'tied' because that person's life had been restricted so that certain effects would be followed.
Hence the term 'anchor' that was like saying that the person was 'tied' or 'conditioned' so that certain effects will succeed in life.
In ancient times, saying that someone had been tied, was tantamount to saying that someone had been bewitched, for what purpose would be.
But the esoteric term of 'mooring' has different origin and explanation, this perhaps more technical point of view of mystical methodology.
In those ancient times, through the magical process, it was believed that the soul of the person affected by witchcraft was tied to a spirit of a dead man, and the spirit of dead would be the life of the person cursed, until this spirit of the deceased did meet the target of witchcraft in the life of that person bewitched.
To better understand:
the cemeteries were therefore seen as fertile places for practicing witchcraft, spirits abounded in them because of the dead.
The board of cursing, which were inscribed prayers of incantation, curse and the victim's name was tied to the dead man's hand, or strapped to the body of the dead.
Thus, attempts were made through a method necromantic, that the spirit of witchcraft defundo who was tied up, take charge of going to the bewitched person's life and fulfilled the mission entrusted to it.
At bottom, the contact plate curse with the dead, should through a process of necromancy, and take the victim to be restricted by the action of the spirit of that dead.
The victim was often reported in Card Curse his name and the name of his mother because the mother was a reliable source of identifying some of the victim, while the identity of the father could lead to misunderstandings.
In this situation, provebio spoke Latin, by declaring: "Pater incertus, Mater right."
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Places Order Signs of Doom
The graves were the key sites to proceed with the deposit of the Boards of curse, and thus the complete execution of a work of witchcraft by means of a curse.
The graves or caves favored by witches, were the person who had died tragically and victims of violent death.
So it was committed, they said the old spiritual knowledge that the souls of those who died prematurely wander near their burrows in torment and relentlessly, until it's time that should have gone to the spirit world. Until you reach that time, all these spirits that roam the land to rest, are liable to be easily invoked.
Also the battlefields, as well as the local enforcement people, or even the places where people had died without the opportunity to offer them the last rites of burial, others were also the most powerful sites for the implementation of witchcraft in form of curses.
As already explained, it was known that the souls of those who died a violent death, or that the spirit of people who died prematurely, would remain wandered into this world until the time came that really should have died, and only at that time said the embittered souls leave this world.
Because these souls victims of violent death or premature, died before that time, it was said that these spirits were doomed to walk this world like ghosts in torments. Now the battlefields and places of execution of local criminals were fertile in people who had been killed in a violent and certainly shortening your life, or in some cases would probably persons who died before their time.
He knew also that suffer the same fate those who died without the opportunity to give them a proper funeral and last rites of burial.
To these, the Greeks called it 'Atelestoi'.
Now, these people join the corpse of the plate with a witchcraft curse (whenever possible, the plate was attached to the Curse deceased), was to influence the tormented spirit that defundo to plague the life of the person affected by witchcraft, causing him well restrictions. These restrictions which the victim would suffer, would in time lead to the production of objectives dictated by the magic that had been made.
If such a curse had been cast for an athlete to lose a competition, the spirit of the dead to which that person has been 'tied' would act in the life of that person to affect him and restrict him to health both psychologically as physics. In time, the victim ended up being decentralized, uncontrolled and even weakened both mentally and physically, which could easily lead to the appearance of lesions and subsequently lost a competition. For this brief example, it is easy to understand how a spirit that was "tied" to the life of a person can 'restrict' the same way to produce the desired effects of a curse.
When the tormented spirit was sent an application, and tormented would make such a request was made in the life of the victim of witchcraft.
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How does Witchcraft: the Curses in the form of Moorings
As can be seen from the foregoing, the term "anchor" to describe not only a witch with sentimental or erotic purposes, but before all that she was a witch.
We may even conclude that the term 'anchor' is born of practical magic of nature necromancer, or witchcraft through which a curse was 'tied' to a dead, so that the spirit that was dead too 'tied' to the soul of the person afflicted by witchcraft, so that the spirit of the dead 'restricted' to his victim and thus make life fulfilling the same purposes that the work proposed to meet.
As also can easily conclude, all witchcraft is closely linked to the production of curses with specific purposes, and the execution of these curses is achieved through processes of necromancy, that is, through the invocation of the spirits of the dead.
And just like that, we believe that the spirits of the dead, once 'tied' to the person affected by witchcraft, cause their victims in an action of 'tying', ie, 'restricted' ma life so that person until it vao succeeding the events set out by the curse.
These details are important historical, so you can understand how, in fact, works witchcraft.